Walking is the most underrated exercise. Just a 5-minute walk can improve your mood, reduce levels of anxiety, and boost your energy. If you’ve hit a brick wall and feel as if you’ve lost your creativity or you can’t find a solution to a problem, a simple stroll in the park, with trees and sunlight, will help get the creative juices flowing again.
Scientists say that taking a walk is more effective than having a cup of coffee! (Apologies to the coffee lovers… Coffee does still serve a purpose though).
We can sometimes feel overwhelmed and even a little emotional if we’re hungry or thirsty, especially if we don’t realise it. Before you reach for the Hunky Dorys or those divine Jam Mallows, look for a healthier alternative. Choose a snack that’s a mix of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. If you have your snack halfway between meals, your energy levels will be consistent.
How would you stop a train travelling at 125 mph with just your bare hands? Your mind is just like that train - constantly moving and processing thoughts far quicker than we realise. It’s overloaded with information, worrying about deadlines, evaluating our own performance or hashing out unfinished business.
Slowing down your thoughts is a lot trickier than you may realise and it takes practice. Meditation is a tool you can use to slow your mind down, get into a calm state, and give your brain a boost.
Sometimes you need to vent a little, or talk an idea through with someone. By reaching out and talking to a friend, you could find new solutions, get rid of any frustrations or have a laughing session.
Power naps are a great way of reducing stress, improving cognitive function and increasing alertness. The best time to take one is between 1 and 3 in the afternoon. You can use a sleep mask and have some white noise in the background to block out the world.
Scientists have found that taking a nap for 26 minutes increases performance by 34%. All you need is 20 to 30 minutes to reap the benefits, and you won’t feel groggy after waking up.
Take 15 minutes to play with your kid or pet. This will help improve your mood and you’ll get to have some fun. It will also help you reframe your mind, reduce stress and increase your serotonin levels.
Play time will also help strengthen bonds with your child. It provides mental stimulation and can be a great form of exercise.
Many people find tidying up a great way to relax. There are a couple of benefits to tidying your home or workspace. I can improve your mood and give you a mental boost. By removing clutter, you’re also removing the chaos and decreasing frustration.
Even if you don’t have home gym equipment, doing some push-ups or squats will help you sleep better at night, reduce stress and give your brain a much-needed boost. Only 5 minutes a day will release endorphins, increase your energy levels, get rid of any pent-up frustration and increase alertness.
Challenge some of your colleagues, friends or family members to a fun, multiplayer game to help improve attention to detail and concentration, enhance memory, and improve problem solving. If you need to enhance your multitasking skills, a game can be a unique and fun way of helping.
Every now and then, you need to disconnect from the world. Switch off your phone, close your laptop and take some “me” time. Technology has made great advancements that benefit us in so many ways, but being connected to everything all the time is exhausting. When our phone chimes or we see an email come into our mailbox, our instinct is to reply immediately.
We may leave the office, but we take the office home with us. By disconnecting, you’re allowing yourself to decompress. This will help reduce your stress and anxiety levels and allow you space to focus on things that are important to you.